The Apostle Paul said, “15 Some preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. 16 The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here (in prison) for the defense of the gospel.” (Philippians 1:15-16 ESV Bold added) I had to ask myself this morning, “Am I a man of good will or do I […]
Continue reading...12. November 2020
Autumn is upon us. We were watching our wonderful church service on line. Covid-19 has changed our lives at least until most people are vaccinated. On line church is not the same as being in person experiencing fellowship, hugs, handshakes, smiles, and a nice cup of coffee. Our church, like many worldwide, is doing its […]
Continue reading...15. September 2020
Maintain your First Love Be Devoted to your Mate Find a Foxhole Buddy While I was a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York over 50 years ago, our trainers decided they wanted us to excel in character development and combat readiness. What fun they had planned for us! On […]
Continue reading...13. September 2020
Comments Off on Rest by the Quiet Waters
Imagine you are far from the din of city noise or people interacting. You are sitting down on thick soft grass under a beautiful shade tree. A gentle stream is quietly flowing next to you about 8 feet away. There is a whisper of a breeze and it’s around 70 degrees F. You are aware that you are not […]
Continue reading...8. September 2020
Comments Off on Learn From the Geranium
My wife, Barbara, loves flowers and gardening. I like them too, but I don’t like planting, weeding, or watering them. Basically I have a brown thumb. On the front step she has a nice, red, potted geranium plant. It really is beautiful. Have you ever wondered why? If you were to water it, wait for 2 […]
Continue reading...2. September 2020
Comments Off on Trust Him When Your Life Screams Not To
At least once in your life, you will be brought to the end of your rope. You will wonder where God is. You will doubt if He is really for you. You will question if He is working on your behalf. I confess during my first wife’s 7 year battle with terminal cancer (diagnosed at age […]
Continue reading...31. August 2020
Comments Off on Choose the Narrow Path
Have you ever gone hiking? If you’ve been in the military like many of us, you’ve gone on many fun and exciting hikes. Hm! Seemingly, the best way to hike is to find the smoothest, widest, path…one that was made or repaved recently. Ah yes! Easy, wide, smooth. My self-centered nature prefers that path which gives me what […]
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13. November 2020
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