Let Us Choose the Narrow Path
It will not be easy; the battle is real. At least for me, it is natural to want to defend myself and run as far away from that horrible cross as possible! Yet if I choose the unnatural and deny myself, what then? What if I choose the narrow path (the ancient paths) and accept things that are unfair?
“Thus says the Lord: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls….” Jeremiah 6:16

What if I choose to give thanks and trust God no matter what? (1Thessalonians 5:16-18) I am going to choose to believe that I will see God’s best outcome from my situation. That is what happened to the Lord Jesus. He is our example.
“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation." 1 Peter 5:10 NLT
I wish we did not fight so hard against the cross, I wish we were a people who naturally just submitted and rejoiced but there is something that comes over all of us when pain hits unrelentingly or when injustice is served meal after meal. We humans begin to sweat, grumble, cry for justice, and beg for reprieve. We want relief!
We grow fragile fault lines that if stepped upon easily cave in and crumble.
We look to God to fix it and if He does not, we often become upset, even resentful. We will either leave the cross behind and forsake God or we will decide to stay and give thanks no matter what.
Do we trust His will, that He's heard our prayers and that He will do what is best? Do we believe when it really counts that He can turn this ash into beauty or work all things including this cross for our good?
Do we love Him, the Lord Jesus? Will we stand true and firm in the face of difficult trials or unfair situations? We will choose to trust God through the shadowy valley or on the shore of the great sea and see the salvation of the Lord? This takes humility, surrender, and faithful courage like the kind Moses had before the Red Sea parted or like young David had standing with his rock and his sling before the giant Goliath.
Will you stand with me and see our deliverance by our Mighty King Jesus? Others might criticize or mock you. You might think God should have punished or at least humbled these unkind people a long time ago but to your chagrin, He has not. Of course, you do not know what is really going on in the hearts of others.
The key is to keep your heart from bitterness and your eyes on the Father even when He does not reveal His plan in all of this.
Love suffers long.

Will you remember that as others ignore you, avoid the same grocery isle that you are on, or spread malicious gossip about you, the Lord prizes and cherishes you. He loves you unconditionally! It does not matter what others think. You have an audience of One. That is all that matters.
Let me invite you to walk the narrow, ancient path of brokenness, humility, and purity. You may find yourself walking alone. That is Ok. You are never alone. The Spirit of Jesus is with you all the way.
No matter the cross, give thanks. The Lord has handpicked this for you. He can work with your submission and thanksgiving. It is like sunshine and rain on a freshly seeded field.
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” 1Peter 5:6
Further reading written by my Dad, Jim Grunseth… go to: Choose the Narrow Path | Marriage Anchors
By Anne Borgen

Hey, check out my website, "envoy" with this link: https://annechristineborge.wixsite.com/envoy
All Scripture references are from the ESV unless otherwise noted.
Any messages for Jim and Barbara Grunseth, email us at: [email protected]
Thu, May 26, 2022
Articles At A Glance