Imagine you are far from the din of city noise or people interacting. You are sitting down on thick soft grass under a beautiful shade tree. A gentle stream is quietly flowing next to you about 8 feet away. There is a whisper of a breeze and it’s around 70 degrees F.
You are aware that you are not alone but that Jesus is with you sitting 5 feet away. He just wants to be with you, just you. What are you feeling? What are you thinking?
Is it possible He just wants you to want to be with Him near these quiet, peaceful waters under this protective, shade tree? Not only do I think it possible, I believe it is most probable. He loves you and me. He so badly wants us to be caught up in closeness and fellowship with Him.
If you haven’t been with Him in awhile, find a place away from the din and just “be with Him”. If what was on your mind was needing to by a new washcloth, He, I’m convinced, would be thoroughly interested in this endeavor. Remember: He is humble and lowly in spirit, approachable, kind, and wholeheartedly for you. He is your Best Friend.
Let’s pray that each of us would meet with Him this very day.
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” (Psalm 23:1-3a ESV)
Sun, Sep 13, 2020
Articles At A Glance