‘2 As is it written in Isaiah the prophet, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way, 3 the voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Mark 1:2-3 ESV Bold added)
John, the Baptizer, was a true prophet of God who was prophesied about in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1 hundreds of years before John or Jesus.

When was the last time you were asked to prepare or straighten anything? I remember preparing for exams in school and preparing for the Obstacle Course at West Point which, to this day, still gives me the shutters!
As a cadet, we had to straighten our rooms on a daily basis. Friday nights we had to really prepare and straighten our beds, uniforms, desks, laundry hampers, shoes, and our socks and underwear drawers.
Why? Saturday Morning Room Inspection (draws open and staggered) and, later, in ranks inspection zeroing in on the details of our uniforms, haircuts, shaves, rifles, etc. And then we marched in a parade! Of course, we often had classes on Saturday morning as well. Saturday mornings were so much fun…
In this scripture passage, The Prophet-Messenger John, the Baptizer, is said to be one who is “crying”. This does not mean weeping but, rather, it means “to raise a cry, speak with a high strong voice, to implore, to shout out in a tempestuous way.” (David Guzik Commentary www.blueletterbible.org)

In other words, you most likely could have heard him from a distance. During summer training at the Academy, we learned how to shout out loud commands as if we were addressing a great gathering of troops. John was announcing with great volume and vigor that the Lord Messiah, the Christ, was here!
My clear sense is that he was declaring in a rather commanding voice, “He is coming! Turn from yourselves, your fruitless wickedness! Become lowly and humble! Prepare your wondering heart. Straighten your priorities! Get right in your relationships! Your Redeemer is here!”
Let’s pray for each other that God would help each of us repent (turn from self – and turn to Christ), prepare, and straighten our hearts and lives so the Spirit of Jesus may have His way with us.
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Tue, Nov 17, 2020
Articles At A Glance