Trouble This Easter?

Thu, Mar 29, 2018

Articles At A Glance

He is risen but much of the world does not know or embrace this!

We are facing very challenging times. There is trouble in the land.

God's holy, sacred, and ordained institution, marriage, is under direct broadside assault. Perversion is the darling of our culture. Evil is good. Good is evil. Many churches are listing.

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is being attacked and watered down by many. Churches by the droves are faltering and adopting a social justice, human flourishing, humanistic approach to the Christian faith. The Bible, the Word of God, is not looked upon by many as the final, absolute, inspired, inerrant authority: God's timeless Words breathed into human authors without error.

These apostates say the Bible "contains" the word of God but that human error, cultural changes, and knowledge and understanding have replaced humble submission to "that which is written". This is the end times apostate church: Looks good. Smells good. Does good things. But it is evil and deceptive!

These gifted apostate leaders are Ambassadors of Hell.

This should not surprise us. The devil wants to destroy marriage, family, missions, and the local church. These are God's hallowed instruments that he uses to pass on a godly heritage and win, build, and send souls into the world for the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. The devil does not want Hell robbed of souls soon to be going there.  He doesn't want Heaven filled. He wants lost souls to remain lost and damned forever.

The devil also knows that there is no greater tool in God's plan to win lost souls, mend or prepare them, and then send them out to reach others for Christ than His ministering agent: MARRIAGE.   Chuck Swindoll says, “Home is where life makes up its mind.” 

With all the political and moral turmoil, godless arrogance, and nonsense that we see via our national media and offices of political power, Barbara and I are focusing on just a few things:

  • This Easter Week we are focusing on Jesus and His Word. Consider this: Read out loud together sections of the Bible's Easter story each day this week. Discuss it. Then pray together out loud. We actually pray each night in the bed at bedtime. We pray out loud and we either cuddle or hold hands. We call it "Cuddle Praying". Most Christian couples, we find, refuse to do this. Amazing! This praying together as one is what the devil hates. He adores isolation. Praying together out loud in humble, teachable love is what God loves and works mightily through! God loves oneness.
  • Because the Spiritual Warfare has been intense lately, Barbara and I are focusing on our marriage, not letting anything including family and ministry get in between us.  What's best for your marriage will be best for your children, your work, your in-laws, and your church.
  • Finally, we want to focus on and thank God for you and we want to pray for you specifically by name. Please e mail us your chief, confidential prayer requests to  [email protected]
  • We'd be honored to email you all of our free biblical materials anywhere in the world for you to use, share, copy, translate, and publish at no cost to you. We want to give our lives away for the Lord Jesus! We want to advance toe Gospel.   [email protected]


Barbara and I ask the Lord to bless and encourage you this Easter.

Have a peaceful, blessed time focusing on Jesus. Let your heart not be troubled. He has overcome the world!    John 16:33

He is Risen!

Further insight:

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Jim & Barbara

Note: By God's grace, we have sent our free biblical materials in PDF format via email all over the world to 1332 destinations in roughly 80 countries. We give all permission to print, translate, share, and publish...all free. The recipients are mostly small local churches in the 10/40 window. We also send our children's books to orphanages. Please visit our website:


Online giving to our ministry:
Our CCC donor account number is #0139150

Our Prayer:

For God to raise up Hearts and Homes to be Gospel Lights to the Nations!      Matthew 5:14

There is always hope with God.

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