Cuddle Pray

Fri, Feb 26, 2016

Articles At A Glance

Would you consider cuddle praying in bed with your spouse tonight?



You know, most Christian couples go to bed at night never uttering a word to God out loud together. Having counseled or worked with marriages and families for many years, Barbara and I have discovered a major key to maintaining a loving, confessed, Christ-focused, and God-honoring marriage.

Cuddle Praying Out Loud Together in Bed at Bedtime.


In Psalm 86:11b, King David pleads, "give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." The devil's plan for your marriage and mine is isolation. God's plan is the opposite: oneness.

The business of our workloads and our crazy schedules works to move us to exhaustion and finally isolation during any given day. We must have a plan to promote oneness, tenderness, and sweetness in our marital relationship! We must be disciplined to insure our hearts toward the Lord Jesus and toward our mate remain undivided and singularly devoted.

tctt_bedroom_cuddle_3_600x400download (1)Spiritual intimacy is the highest form of intimacy in marriage. Allowing unconfessed sin to build up in your heart and, thus, your marriage, slowly anesthetizes your soul. The wicked one gradually moves your heart and your marital relationship down four wretched rungs of the "devil's ladder". 


1.  First, he isolates you.o-COUPLES-SLEEP-facebook

2. Then, he discourages you.

high angle view of a couple in bed lying back to back

3. Next, he deceives you.

4. Finally, he destroys you.




Couples that discipline themselves to cuddle pray each night don't drift apart. The problem is many married couples do not go to bed together at the same time. One is tired. The other is a night owl.

Remember: Nothing good happens after midnight.






getty_rm_photo_of_woman_watching_television635883150851253217-1082674202_all nighter


Here are just some of the benefits of Cuddle Praying:

  • You cannot honestly pray out loud with your mate if you are carnal, with unconfessed sin in your heart.
  • God is pleased since your marriage is becoming a Gospel Light Marriage: One that often prays out loud together and shines Christ's message of redemption and hope to the world.
  • He is blessed because you are obeying His commands more and more which demonstrates your love, as a couple, for Him. 1Thessalonians 5:16-18, "16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances;for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
  • God's angelic protection over you and your family is ever increased.
  • As you draw closer to Christ in prayer, He draws you closer to one another.
  • You are blessed because you choose to humble yourself before almighty God and entrust all concerns to Him. You then sleep. He does not need to. Pride will keep you from praying. Always!



Couple lying in bed sleeping







The Gospel Light Marriage begins to understand that God wants to reach and save souls through their marital oneness. This couple who is fully yielded to the Holy Spirit becomes a powerful ambassador for Christ. They become a cinematic representation that is broadcast to the world, first to their children, if any, and then to the church, the community, and to the world! They are Christ Imagers.

They come to know that without prayer, nothing of eternal significance happens.

They learn that prayer unleashes the power of God to act in time of need.

Cuddle praying humbly, and with pure hearts may be the most powerful force on earth.

“The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing; but it is the chief thing. The great people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; not those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time and pray”
-- S.D. Gordon

Please let Barbara and I know if you will cuddle praying out loud together in bed at bedtime. This means you go to bed together. If you are apart, you will call and pray together. Just email us at: [email protected] .  We want to pray for you. God bless you!




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To grow in your faith and love for Jesus and His Word, the Bible, fellowship regularly in a loving, Bible believing and preaching church. Also please read through The Ten Basic Steps to Christian Maturity: Click on:   





Another great resource to grow in your love for and fellowship with the Lord Jesus is Alister Begg's-

Truth For Life with Alistair Begg

Pathway to FreedomSo, where is a good place to start?

If you’re new to Alistair’s teaching, we suggest the following series available on our website and mobile app as a free download or on CD, which can be purchased through our online store:

1. Jesus 101 – Who Jesus is: Prophet, Priest, King, Savior, and God.
2. Faith That Works – Guidelines for Christian living from the book of James.
3. Christian Basics – How declaring Jesus as Lord affects the way we live our lives.
4. Pathway to Freedom – How the 10 Commandments provide freedom for daily life.

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