The Gospel on the Front Lines: Message #2

Tue, Jul 12, 2016

Articles At A Glance

It was night. I was 16 on a church group ferry boat trip across Lake Michigan. Mother Nature had other plans. Terror hit us over the deep! Half way across this vast body of water, a massive storm hit with a ferocity Iv'e never seen before. The waves swelled 20 to 25 feet high. The winds were gale force. The rain pelted us. It was pitch black.


80% of passengers and crew got vehemently sea sick and many writhed on the floor as our boat was tossed around like a toy. The captain immediately turned us around and we headed back home to our shore. There was the real fear that we might sink and perish. By God's grace and expert seamanship, we made it back to SAFE HARBOR.

Friend, have you found secure safety in the only Safe Harbor available on earth? His Name is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is your and my only Hope to rescue us from the crushing stench, stain and penalty of our sin.

In the Bible, God's holy, eternal, and inspired Word, it says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

God is holy, pure, and uncontaminated by sin. We are none of these. Jesus is God's only provision for you to cleanse you from your wicked, Hell deserving sin. Jesus is your ONLY Safe Harbor.


Unless you choose to turn away from your life of sin and selfishness and unless you cry out something like, "Oh Jesus, Son of God, save me for I cannot save myself!", you will never enter Heaven. Rather, you will die in your sin. You will spend all of eternity in Hell... a real place of horror and immediate conscious torment all because you chose to reject God's only provision for cleansing you and adopting you into His Holy family.

In John 14:6, "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" Buddha can't save you. He is dead. Mohammed cannot save you. He is dead. Mother Earth cannot save you. Earth was created by God.

Your good works, kindness, and nonjudgmental attitude cannot save you. Going to church, synagogue, or the mosque will not save you. Only faith in Jesus dying on the cross, shedding His blood for you, and cleansing you from all that offends God, the Father. - Only He, your Savior and Safe Harbor can save you.

If you reject this, you will be as if you were out in the middle of Lake Michigan in that life jacket, no radio, no rescue, no hope. You will sink, drown, and perish. The gut wrenching difference is that in Hell you are eternally alive never to experience joy, peace, hope, or love. You will remain unforgiven. You will be alone and forever damned. This is called THE BAD NEWS. The GOOD NEWS? Jesus, the Forgiver and Rescuer of your sin drenched soul.

If you want to read The Gospel on the Front Lines: Message #1, go to:

A more complete Gospel presentation is here:

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"Let's fill Heaven together!"
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James M. Grunseth's photo.

James M. Grunseth's photo.


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